“The back represents our support system. Problems with the back usually mean we feel we are not being supported. Too often we think we are only supported by our job or by our family or spouses. In reality we are totally supported by the universe, by Life itself.” – Louise Hay
Healing Back Pain Through Yoga, Exercise and Diet
If you are suffering from general back pain you’ve come to the right page. For years I was such a tough athlete. A gymnast and a swimmer for years. And then three rear- enders later I lived incessantly with muscles spasms, aches and pain for many years thereafter. I was a gymaholic. I guess there are worst things to be. But I still had that nagging pain. I went to doctors, chiropractors, had scans, x-rays, the works. No one really found much of anything except that my hips are uneven and when they get out of whack, it causes pain on one side or the other. Simple adjustment and it goes away. As I get older though, I have noticed the nag increase. I have taken it upon myself, as I do not want to live in pain the rest of my life, to incorporate some healthy habits that have changed the course of this nagging pain. And guess what? When I follow them, the pain dissipates. I hardly feel it anymore, if at all. Just sharing what works for me. Take it or leave it. Here they are:
Yoga is Fantastic for Healing Back Pain
When I first started my yoga teacher training, I had serious trouble with my back. I didn’t even know whether I was going to make it through the series because I had such a hard time sitting. I was in absolute agony the first few weeks begging for relief. But here’s what happened. I learned so many beautiful poses. Poses that helped me regain my flexibility I thought I had lost. Poses that stretched my limbs and tendons. Poses that strengthened my legs, core, back and arms, like Plank Pose and Side Plank. Poses that soothed not only my back, but my soul. Child’s Pose, Pelvic Tilts, Cobra Pose, Seated Twists as well as poses using bolsters, blocks and straps to support my body. I also made friends with people who were much further along the healing path and who helped me understand some of the emotional causes for back pain as well. Mine was all lower back pain. After taking the suggestion of one of my new found friends, I read Louise Hayes, .You Can Heal Your Life. I realized my back pain had a lot to do with my financial collapse at the time as well as years and years of never feeling like there was enough money to support me. It is so difficult to function in daily life when you are in pain. It is difficult to be quiet or to be peaceful when your body is screaming at you for relief. Practicing yoga consistently and educating yourself on the causes of back pain keeps you out of back pain trouble. When I don’t practice consistently, it creeps back and definitely lets me know I need to stay on top of things and get back in the groove.
Yoga Makes You Aware of What you Put in Your Body
Yoga and meditation, in a nutshell, is about becoming aware. I used to eat red meat almost every day with, I might add, a mighty glass or two of red wine to wash it down. In fact, I used to eat a lot of inflammatory foods, but thanks to my practice I no longer crave those types of foods and do not eat them. I no longer mindlessly put junk into my body. And what do you think happened when I stopped eating foods that made my body hurt? Less inflammation in my body, giving it the ability to recover from a challenging workout. Soda, sugar, dairy products, fried food and processed food all contribute to inflammatory conditions. Inflammation makes your body hurt. So check in with yourself and clean it up. No one wants to live in pain. So the next time you’re ready to pick up a bag of chips, burn it (just kidding…trash it) and pick up some almonds, fruit or crunchy veggies instead. Make it your business to change your unhealthy eating habits. If you are one of those people who says, “Oh, one bag won’t hurt.” Think again. Chips cause decay and pain. Change your habits and your body will thank you over and over again for the rest of your life. If you don’t believe me, read
Younger Next Year by Crowley and Lodge. You won’t be disappointed. You will begin to feel better before you know it. Add another component and you will feel better yet. You see, it’s not just about the food. The food is only one factor. Exercise is another key ingredient to healing back pain.
Strengthen Your Back and Get Rid of the Fat
Extra weight is either adding to your back pain or is the root cause of the pain. In fact, obesity is the leading cause of back pain today. All that extra weight around your middle causes strain on your back, your vital organs and your joints. It has the ability to throw off your balance making it hard to function properly. If you’re one of those people who says, “Well, I only have a little bit.” You’re not so different. Get it off. You have got to start burning the fat off with exercise and getting your heart rate up for at least twenty minutes per day. Yes, that means breathing hard and a little soreness if your not used to working out. Start and don’t stop. Don’t stop. Ever. If you start and then stop, you will only accelerate the decay process already going on in your body like diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis and a host of other undesirables. If you keep going each day, your cells will begin to replenish and rebuild. You may not feel great tomorrow or even next week. But in 2-4 weeks you will feel significantly better. Just 30-60 minutes per day folks, 6 times per week. Find something you like and give it all you’ve got. Shed that unwanted, drag me down, fat that has your heart screaming “Get off me or I’m gonna shut down!” And be done with it for life. If you are new to working out or you are limited on time, I have a great suggestion.This program is actually awesome for anyone but particularly useful when it comes to time management. It comes with an excellent nutrition guide. It works. 10 minutes. 20 Minutes if you like. Do it. You will be on your way in no time. CLICK HERE
Maintenance and Preventative Care for Your Back
Good chiropractic care is underrated. I have found that is is crucial to maintaining good back health. Notice I didn’t say mediocre chiropractic care. You need to go to someone who understands your body and your issues. Someone who will spend the time working on adjustments that are the right adjustments for you and does not give up until he/she has it figured out. Period. My chiropractor is awesome. He rolls me into the adjustment. Never pushes too hard and never does anything that would make the inflammation worse. I get a wonderful massage while I’m there just for the places that are causing me pain. I am treated well and their concern for my well-being is present every time I visit. Definitely not a “wham bam thank you ma’am” kind of place where you hurdled in like cattle on speed and out in 5 minutes. And I’ll say the same thing about massage therapists. Sometimes you’ve got to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince or princess. I have one in my area I would refer anyone to. He is intuitive and seems to know exactly what I need every time I visit. All I have to do is tell them where it hurts. He gets it. If you want to have an exceptional massage you have got to be willing to communicate. Don’t be shy. They are there to help you, but if they don’t know what is bothering you, their job then becomes a guessing game. Who wants that? You pay $70-100 bucks to let them guess? “Oh, surprise me. Let’s see if you get it right.” No! Tell them. Give them as much information as you can. Let them do their thing and give yourself a delicious treat