Aug 14, 2011

Food That Fight Back The Fat !

Food That Fight Back The Fat !
(First of all one has to control consumption of pasta ,burger , pizza,chocolate,pastry,ice-cream,cold drinks)

Blue berries

BLUE BERRIES-They helps to reduce stomach fat 'says university of Michigan.

Eating pecans can delay age-related motor neurons degeneration, according to researcher by the Center for Cellular Neurobiology.


Eat your meals at a snail's pace and you may lose that extra weight.
A Dutch study finds that taking breaks as you eat may keep you fuller longer.People who ate a meal in two hours with few 20-mins breaks -felt more satiety afterward than those who took 30 mins to eat. The leisurely
eaters benefited from a gradual increase in hormones yjay kept them full, while the bolters had a hormonal burst followed by a decline. You may see a similar (but weaker ) effect from a one-hour meal.

Lemon water
Lemon water with less sugar and a little pich of salt in break fast wil be a great start of a healthy day
Honey- From long in ancient honey have been a great treasure of health , if you want to become thin mix lemon water with honey and drink twice a day, daily and if u want to bulk up your self you just have to do is stir honey with a moderate warm milk and do the same twice.....


Cut Your Blood Sugar

The cinnamon

 (dal chini) in masala chai can help treat diabetes!.” A teaspoon of cinnamon with food can reduce blood sugar levels as it promotes insulin production and is therefore given to Dibetic patients,”
says Delhi-based nutritionist.

Black Pepper

Black Pepper
“I have come across many people who fatten just because of unhealthy food habbits and resulting in bad digestion.”
Now Get Rid Of Indigestion: Black Pepper (kali mirch) in masala chai (tea) has an antioxidant efftect an promotes healthy digestion


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